Water Wolves Fishing is always looking for quality, innovative design and new original brands. Then you often end up in Japan . To be precise with a new Start-Up being Sunny Bros . The Bloodstyle 178 glidebait with which this...
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Swim and Glide baits are certainly not the lures that you simply throw in and just fish in. With a swim bait it is key to know what the action the lure gives. A small change in speed or angle...
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As a shopkeeper (and angler) you are always looking for products that match your vision, strategy and house style. Now I had been familiar with the Nishine Lure Works brand for some time. This company was set up by Luremaster...
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In this video the basics of night fishing for bass from the shore with lures are discussed. Reinier Saat and Joep Steijns take you with them during a session that they start in the dark and end in the early morning...
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It's actually not that long ago that I also went fishing for sea bass at night. Night fishing for sea bass gives a more intense experience and has a magical atmosphere. The silence, the flashing light of the lighthouses and...
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